Careers programme information

At Lincoln Castle Academy, we work to secure world-class qualifications, knowledge and skills for the future and the good character that together can bring success and happiness for the young people in our care. We aim to prepare young people with the understanding they need of the labour market, both now and well into the future, so they are ready to take on new challenges, secure training and employment, and lead purposeful and rewarding lives in an increasingly interconnected world.

Our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance plan is designed to meet the needs of each and every learner at Lincoln Castle Academy. It is based on the nationally-recognised Gatsby Benchmarks, which form the basis of an effective Careers education in secondary schools. Good quality careers education raises the aspirations of all young people. It increases motivation by linking activities in school with preparation for life post-16 and post-18. CEIAG will therefore contribute to raising pupil achievement, help students focus on their longer-term career ambitions and ensure an equality of opportunity for all.

At Lincoln Castle Academy, we provide a comprehensive CEIAG programme to students in every year group and of all abilities, including aspects of work-related learning, enterprise education, option choices and information surrounding RPA (raising of the participation age).

We use Compass+, student voice and destinations data to measure the reach and impact of our careers plan. Views are sought from all stakeholders and the programme evolves year on year to consider the needs of students and the local, national and global jobs market. All information, together with the careers plan, is reviewed and updated annually, usually at the start of the new calendar year, however information may be revised throughout the year to reflect new regulations and/or to meet the additional needs of students.

Most people spend many years of their life in a working environment and it is important to equip our students with the necessary skills for them to plan their future careers and to know how and where to access impartial and unbiased information.

The guidance from the DfE places a duty on schools to secure access to unbiased and impartial careers guidance for their students. We do this through our partnership with Progress Careers – an experienced and respected provider of careers guidance interviews.

We share intended destination data with colleagues at Lincolnshire County Council, as per the DfE requirement, so they can also provide additional support to students, where necessary, once they leave school. We track destinations of leavers and are ready to offer support and guidance for our leavers.

Provider Access Legislation and Baker Clause

As part of our commitment to informing our students of the full range of learning and training pathways on offer to them, we are happy to consider requests from training, apprenticeship and vocational education providers to speak to students.

Lincoln Castle Academy also proactively seeks to build relationships with these partners as we plan our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme activity throughout the school year to ensure that providers have multiple opportunities to speak to students and their parents across Years 7-11. The purpose of these relationships are to offer information on vocational, technical and apprenticeship qualifications and pathways. Lincoln Castle Academy ensures that Academy staff involved in personal guidance and pastoral support are up to date on their knowledge of these post-16 and post-18 pathways.

Opportunities for providers to speak with students may include school assemblies, employer and provider engagement events or opportunities to speak with students and parents on a one-to-one basis supporting GCSE and post-16 option choices.


As a parent, when it comes to career choices and decisions you are one of the first people your child will turn to for advice; you are one of the most influential people in your child’s life. We value your support in helping them learn more about themselves and their options, recognise their strengths and skills, explore opportunities and make decisions. Researching is one of the most important activities your child can do when it comes to thinking about their future.

To support your child:

  • Encourage your son or daughter to consider the subjects they enjoy the most and how this might link to future careers.
  • Encourage them to explore the different options available at 16 and 18.
  • Help dispel misconceptions and stereotypes: that certain jobs are available to only males or females, that apprenticeships are only for practical vocations like construction or engineering and that students need to wait until they start looking for work before they gain work experience.
  • Help them explore university and apprenticeships through the links below.
  • Encourage your son or daughter to use local Labour Market Information to support their career choices.

The named SLT Careers Lead is Will Trugeon-Smith.
He can be contacted via

NEW Progress Careers microsite

Please visit our new Progress Careers microsite for further information tailored to Lincoln Castle Academy students:

Useful links