Key Stage 4
As students move into KS4, they will begin to specialise and focus on the subjects which they feel, will enable them to transition into the most appropriate and ambitious further education or training. This allows for their option subjects to be taught in greater depth and provides them with the opportunity to pursue areas of learning which are of most benefit to them. Having experienced a broad and highly varied KS3 curriculum, pupils are able to individually tailor their KS4 program of study to align with their strengths, interests and future goals. We spend a significant amount of time talking with students, their parents/carers as well as any relevant external support to ensure that the curriculum meets their individual needs. Regular Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG), step-up days and 1-to-1 guidance sessions aid this process.
Alongside the taught curriculum, we have developed a comprehensive series of step-up days giving all our students the chance to gain a better understanding of themselves and the world of work through life and careers sessions. These often incorporate professionals, external businesses, training providers, FE colleges and universities. Students are better informed than they ever have been and so make more thoughtful choices about their future, resulting in fewer students deemed not in education employment or training (NEET).