Exams Schedule
The following advice is especially relevant during exam windows, and should be followed by Year 11 students.
Parents and Carers should ensure:
- Pupils have 100% attendance during exam periods.
- Pupils arrive to school punctually and have the necessary equipment for their examinations (including a scientific calculator for Maths and Science exams).
- Pupils are engaged in revision for the examinations at home in addition to the extensive extra-curricular offer that is in place to support them at school
How Parents and Carers can help:
- Ensure pupils have a quiet place to study
- Help pupils to plan their time, use a weekly revision timetable
- Ensure they are continually going through and making new notes from revision guides and other accredited sources
- Set targets and offer small rewards
- Encourage pupils to focus on their weaknesses
- Ensure they attend the after school enrichment sessions
- Ensure they are using Hegarty and GCSEPod regularly
- Get in touch if you have any questions or need any advice